Just a child of God working for the glory of God with a passion for music and worship and a passion (drive if you will) for helping smaller churches and ministries with graphics design and super low cost websites. 

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God".

- Colossians 3:16

ministry. design. websites. music.

My goal is to help churches and ministries connect to their communities through social media, graphic design and websites. So many churches have no affordable design options. Building through Google Sites, Canva and other available tools, I create designs and professional websites that meet the needs of churches and ministries while being extremely affordable.


FAQ: Why are you doing this?

Doing this is my passion and my way to help build the Kingdom of God. We're not in competition, we're part of the family of God. We each have a purpose and this is mine.

FAQ: How do I get started?

For a website, fill out the survey. --> SURVEY

For a graphic, fill out the info form. --> INFO FORM

FAQ: How much does this cost?

Design is totally free to churches and ministries. The only thing I ask that you pay for is your website domain and any commercial images you wish to use. 


Glynis Varlack-Allgood has been actively involved in church music for over 40 years. She offers a unique style of keyboarding that mixes contemporary, gospel and traditional styles, and she believes in leading worship by example and with excellence.

Glynis has been singing since age 2 and has participated in and led workshops on vocal technique and performance. She enjoys music and ministry and enjoys sharing life with God’s people.

Glynis is also a graphics designer who works with churches and ministries to provide graphics, social media and website assistance free of charge. She has been involved with marketing for 14 years.

Glynis has one daughter, Noelle, who sings and plays multiple instruments and often leads worship with Mom as schedules permit. Noelle is currently pursuing a Music and Worship Arts with vocal emphasis degree from Lee University. 

NOTE: after Glynis' open heart surgery on May 10, 2023, she is mostly confined to a wheelchair and passionately serves in graphic and website design even more than before.

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